

鹿猎人狩猎所占的比重最大的公众在美国。这个区别很重要,因为猎鹿相关支出和许可销售产生许多保护钱只为游戏种类的好处,但对于非游戏类。因此,野生动物管理人员必须保证健康的鹿的数量来维持野生动物保护的整体经济状况。然而,密歇根州一个新兴问题hands-chronic消耗性疾病(慢性消耗病)。慢性消耗性疾病影响物种鹿家族,一旦一只鹿被感染,没有经济复苏总是致命的。慢性消耗病鹿可以感染动物传动物接触或通过环境中的污染物(如粪便)。自2015年首次发现在密歇根自由放任的鹿,鹿已经检测到3个主要地区(西南上半岛,半岛中南部和东南部低)在指定的状态和最积极的动物发现慢性消耗病5-county核心区域(Mecosta爱奥尼亚,肯特,Montcalm Newaygo县)。继续在新领域中发现慢性消耗性疾病,它每天都变得更加相关。从我们从其他州经历了慢性消耗病,该病传播通过人口缓慢。我们也知道,成熟的雄鹿队更有可能感染比其他任何性别或年龄鹿。 An approach to try to reduce transmission and maintain low levels of prevalence in a population is to target deer that are more likely to be infected, and to also reduce deer abundance. It is generally believed that deer hunting regulations that limit hunter harvest to specific sex and age deer can achieve this, but this is untested in free-ranging deer populations. Mandatory antler point restrictions, or APRs, is a common deer harvest regulation meant to target mature bucks based on antler size. Because APRs reduce the number of bucks in a population available for hunters to harvest (e.g., younger bucks with smaller antlers are protected) it is also believed that hunters will harvest more does—and removing more does from a population may reduce deer abundance. However, there is a limited understanding how APRs change populations and how those changes interact with CWD. So, the APR Study was developed to address the first research question, “how do APRs change relative abundance and sex and age composition of deer populations?”
