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Currency [0]/Explanatory TextG5Explanatory Text % 0Good;Good  a%1 Heading 1G Heading 1 I}%O2 Heading 2G Heading 2 I}%?3 Heading 3G Heading 3 I}%234 Heading 49 Heading 4 I}% 5InputuInput ̙ ??v% 6 Linked CellK Linked Cell }% 7NeutralANeutral  e%"Normal8Normal_LEVELVUE 9Noteb Note   :OutputwOutput  ???%????????? ???;$Percent <Title1Title I}% =TotalMTotal %OO> Warning Text? Warning Text %XTableStyleMedium2PivotStyleLight16`)^ Introductiono Instructions_{ Haul Input( Haul OutputANIMAL:CEC:! Credits;kv CROPGROWN:" CROPNAME;nyKST: $ MANURETYPE;lm! ncredit;%/ NCROP:RECNIT:! SPECIES;_jSTL: YIELDGOAL:8ZRx3 A@@  fManure produced each year NitrogenNutrient Requirements)Distance, Equipment and Labor InformationExtra distance to haulORLoads per AcreAcres per Load Lbs. NitrogenMilesnutrient providedn p kn rate>>shortageNAp removal rate>>p 2 yr removal rate>>p 4 yr removal rate>>p 3 yr removal ratep 3 yr removal rate>>CROP YIELDNAMECorn for grainCorn for silageSoybeansWheatOats Orchardgrass Bromegrass Clover-grassSorghum SudangrassNutrient Purchase Price Crop to be grownRecommended nitrogenSpeed of travel on roadPer hour labor cost Hours equipment operated per day Daily chargesMileage charge Fuel pricePer mile fuel consumptionPer hour fuel consumptionEquipment idle timeTractor per loadLoading time per loadLoading equipment hourly costSheepTurkeyHorseManure Haul Input Calculate number of animal units Animal TypeManure ProductionPercent SolidsNutrient ContentTons/yrGal/yrNlb/ton lb/1,000 galDairyBeefVeal Growing pig Mature hog Sow & litterGoatLayersBroilersManure Information Manure Analysis with lab results#Manure Analysis with no lab results Specie typeNumber of animal unitsTotal nitrogenAmmonical nitrogenAvailable nitrogenNutrient value of manureManure needed to supply:Transport cost per:Additional timeAdditional non-labor cost per:Comparative analysisNo manure applicationManure for nitrogen@One way total miles break even compared to commercial fertilizerAcres needed 1 yearTo meet nitrogen requirementthousand gallonston size of tanksize of spreader tanker leasespreader leasetanker per loadspreader per loadper thousand gallonsper tonsavings per thousand gallonssavings per tongallonslbs. per thousand gallons lbs. per tonthousand gallons per acre tons per acrebushels per acredollars per pounddollars per acre miles one waymiles per hourdollars per hourhours dollars per daydollars per miledollars per gallonmiles per gallongallons per mileper dayhours per loadminutes per loadper loadfor farmloadhourmile whole farmManure Haul Results lbs. per acretotal cost per acresavings per acresavings per loadsavings per hoursavings whole farmNH4-Nlb/Ton lb/1,000gal Min> Fac. Available NManure HistoryManure applied here 1 year ago? Manure applied here 2 years ago? Manure applied here 3 years ago? Animal UnitsP2O5K2O P2O5 RemovalRecommended P2O5 Recommended K2O mininutes per loadhoursLiquidSolid Sugar BeetsPotatoes Dry BeansN CreditNitrogen from previous cropCalculate N Credit Previous Crop% Stand Alfalfa, establishedAlfalfa, seedingClover, establishedClover, seedingTrefoil, established Grass HayBarley + Legume Oats + LegumeWheat + LegumeNo. of 1st group animals No. of 2nd group animals No. of 3rd group animals Ave. weight 1st groupAve. weight 2nd groupAve. weight 3rd groupYield potential Intended Crop Fertilizer Spreading Cost Soil CECpot'lP CLAlfalfaPBUPMPDDPCRPPLPDLRecommended P2O5 Calculate Recommended P2O5  Calculate Recommended K2O Soil test level (ppm) No N CreditCropsP MAXK CLKCRKPLKDLKBUKMKDDK MAX P2O5 removal  P2O5 2-year removal  P2O5 3-year removal  P205 4-year removal  Lbs. P2O5 Lbs. K2O Manure for P2O5 Removal  Manure for P2O5 2 Year Removal  Manure for P2O5 3 Year Removal  Manure for P2O5 4 Year Removal   Manure Type 3Bob Battel, MSU Extension Educator, Farm ManagementAcknowledgements:3Manure Haul - How far can I afford to haul manure? January, 2006P2O5K20Manure Information:Complete the "Calculate Animal Units" set of cells to the right, entering the numbers and average weights of various animal groups on your farm. The spreadsheet will calculate the number of animal units. It is OK to leave areas blank if you have fewer than three animal groups. uIf manure has been spread on this field in any if the past three years, enter the amount of manure spread that year. $Go to the cells to the right. If a crop that would generate a nitrogen credit was grown in this field last year, enter that crop, using the Drop Down Menu. Also, for crops other than soybeans, dry beans and grass hay, enter the percent stand. The spreadsheet will calculate a nitrogen credit.Nutrient Requirements:Nutrient Purchase Price:OEnter any per acre spreading costs if commercial fertilizers were to be spread. N Credit:Manure History:IManure Analysis with lab results and Manure Analysis with no lab results:*Distance, Equipment and Labor Information:gClick on the "Haul Output" tab for break even distances for hauling manure and a comparative analysis. VExtra Distance to Haul: Enter the distance above what you would normally haul manure. AChoose from the Drop Down Menu the livestock specie on your farm.5Using the Drop Down Menu, enter the crop to be grown.Enter the Yield Potential.Go to the cells to the right. Enter the soil test results (in ppm) for phosphorus. If soil test results are in pounds per acre, divide the results by 2 to convert to ppm.Enter the soil test results (in ppm) for potassium. If soil test results are in pounds per acre, divide the results by 2 to convert to ppm..Enter your per pound cost for N, P2O5 and K2O."#$%+,The "Haul Input" sheet is where your farm's data should be entered. Enter values in the dark green colored cells. The yellow colored cells are calculated values based on your input. Hourly ChargeEquipment chargesIChoose either "per mile" fuel consumption or "per hour" fuel consumption.CChoose either "Hourly Charge" or "Daily Charge" for tractor/tanker.This spreadsheet is based on earlier spreadsheets by Roger Betz, MSU Extension Educator, Farm Management, South West Michigan; Dr. Howard Person, MSU Extension Specialist Agricultural Engineering (retired); and Dr. Maurice Vitosh, MSU Extension Specialist, Crop and Soil Sciences (retired). The fertilizer recommendations are in Build Up/Maintenance/Draw Down format. That part of the spreadsheet is based on a spreadsheet developed by Mike Staton, MSU Extension Educator, Field Crops, Van Buren County. %Enter the CEC from soil test results.;The spreadsheet will calculate a fertilizer recommendation.GChoose from the Drop Down Menu using either "Liquid" or "Solid" manure.You can either enter your farm's manure analysis, or use default values. If you have laboratory result for manure analysis, enter them in the "Manure Analysis with lab results" cells. If you leave these cells blank, the spreadsheet will generate default values.P@ AcAAGBBC[5DDXDE^eF!.GGaHHQI I [J 8K KR 6L L {M7 Mk ^NNfOP:T!VYccjB g2ɀ "dmQn  dMbP?_*+%&?'?(?)?MCanon i70 (Copy 2)߁ odLetterBJDM,jjVT$m,`Oj,`OjVT$m,`Oj,`OjXX"DRAFTSample 1dVT$mVT$m@  VT$mCanon i70 (Copy 2)߁ odLetter:,"d??&cU"      ( ( (* ( (**** * * * * ******************D|l:::.::......................... !* *!.>@  "   7b(b(///gg g2ɀ $GpWyz  dMbP?_*+%&?'?(?)?"??&cU$     ; $&& $ $ $ $& $ $ &  $  $  $  $& $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $&Dl6**6666*66*6666*666666666666666 !"#& &!&"&# <***>@" 7b(b(///gg g2ɀ S+ub~  dMbP?_*+%&?'?(?)?MCanon i70 (Copy 2)߁ odLetterBJDM,jjVT$m,`Oj,`OjVT$m,`Oj,`OjXX"DRAFTSample 1dVT$mVT$m@  VT$mCanon i70 (Copy 2)߁ odLetter:,"d??&cU} } } m} } m} $} IS  h        ; ;     ; ;        ; ; ;  ; ,@    5BB I L `LBB  ML a@MBB  MMCi@D  M 6BB  PAd`Tq@ DLiquid .C):_:jBfDGDSolid *C):_:jBfD"BhOdRDLiquid  :[3DSolid  :\:["Bthousand gallons L~ mt@BB J LN~ bK@hNRDLiquid  :h3DSolid  :i:["Blbs. per thousand gallons M~ m@BB  MO~ b@hNRDLiquid  :h3DSolid  :i:["Blbs. per thousand gallons M~ mi@BB  MP~ b;@hNRDLiquid  :h3DSolid  :i:["Blbs. per thousand gallons M~ m @BB  M~ bO@hN RDLiquid  :h3DSolid  :i:["Blbs. per thousand gallons M~ ma@BB  P~ bA@h O RDLiquid  :h3DSolid  :i:["Blbs. per thousand gallons  M~ mf@ BB   W> Di@(DDDDDD  BB K LN C DLiquid AD %C):_:j Bf "^DSolid AD %C):_:j Bf ""Bh L RDLiquid  :h3DSolid  :i:["Blbs. per thousand gallons BB  MO C DLiquid AD %C):_:j" Bf "^DSolid AD %C):_:j" Bf ""Bh M RDLiquid  :h3DSolid  :i:["Blbs. per thousand gallons BB  MP C DLiquid AD %C):_:j&Bf "^DSolid AD %C):_:j&Bf ""Bh MRDLiquid  :h3DSolid  :i:["Blbs. per thousand gallons BB  MC DLiquid AD %C):_:j  Bf "^DSolid AD %C):_:j Bf ""BhM RDLiquid  :h3DSolid  :i:["Blbs. per thousand gallonsBB  PC DLiquid AD %C):_:j  Bf "^DSolid AD %C):_:j Bf ""BhM RDLiquid  :h3DSolid  :i:["Blbs. per thousand gallonsBB  LchL RDLiquid  :j3DSolid  :k:["Bthousand gallons per acreBB  MbhM RDLiquid  :j3DSolid  :k:["Bthousand gallons per acreBB  PbhP RDLiquid  :j3DSolid  :k:["Bthousand gallons per acreBB T RED@ D R BB  L$ ` S L lBB  M~ b9@ N M~ l9@BB  M% Ca@  D nC):n:y&BfDD?DD?DD?DqC):n:y&BfDD ?DD ?DD ?D"B M P7FD@!C ):k:vBfBB  M<CT@ &C):n:y BfD MBB  MID@ !D M BB  PJR@ D! 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This program assumes that the same kind of manure was applied If no manure was applied, leave blank. <  9` d BP XPP?wi^]4d@ ?g`=@,ٜ+ <Enter the amount of manure applied to this field two years ago. This program assumes that the same kind of manure was applied If no manure was applied, leave blank. <  @ e B XPP?wi^]4e@  JBwc <Enter the amount of manure applied to this field three years ago. 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