

里尔登,T., Tschirley, D.,利物浦-塔西,L. S. O., Awokuse, T.,范佐,J.,明滕,B.,…&波普金,b.m.非洲食品体系中的加工食品革命和营养不良的双重负担.全球粮食安全,28,100466。


在过去的50年里,非洲消费者购买了越来越多的加工食品。随着越来越多的女性和男性外出工作,他们的时间机会成本增加了,这促使他们购买加工食品和在家外制作的食品,以节省繁重的在家加工和准备劳动。在过去的几十年里,这一趋势随着加工部门供应端的激增以及中小企业和大型私营公司进行大规模的总投资而加速。包装、工业化、超加工食品和含糖饮料(SSBs)在加工食品消费中所占比例越来越大。此外,在过去几十年里,超重和肥胖已经加入了长期高水平的儿童发育迟缓和消瘦以及育龄妇女极度消瘦的行列。这些现象共同构成了营养不良的双重负担。DBM已成为撒哈拉以南非洲地区的一个重要健康问题。DBM的增加和超加工食品消费的增加是有联系的。政策制定者面临两难境地。一方面,加工食品的购买受到城市化、收入增加、就业变化等长期因素的推动,政策无法改变人们对方便和省力食品的追求。 Moreover, much processed food, like packaged milk, is a boon to nutrition, and the processed food system is a major source of jobs for women. On the other hand, the portion (some 10–30%) of processed food that is ultra-processed is a public health challenge, and policy must address its detrimental effects on disease burden. The global experience suggests that double duty actions are most important as are selected policies focused on healthy weaning foods for addressing stunting and taxes on SSBs, nutrition labeling, and other measures can steer consumers away from unhealthy ultra-processed foods to addressing obesity and possibly child nutrition and stunting. We recommend that African governments consider these policy options, but note that the current extreme fragmentation of the processing sector, consisting of vast numbers of informal SMEs in sub-Saharan Africa, and the limited administrative/implementation capacity of many African governments require pursuing this path only gradually.


