

2022年4月5日-作者:Viengsavang Thipphavong, Bounlert Vanhnalat, Chanhphasouk Vidavong和Somdeth Bodhisane


老挝已获得欧盟(EU)所有出口产品的单边、免税、免配额准入(武器和弹药除外);然而,中国的出口在农产品领域面临着一些问题和挑战。本研究旨在了解老挝农产品出口潜力,出口障碍,以及老挝农产品出口到欧盟市场的市场准入构成。在分析的基础上,本文提出了农业食品部门出口便利化的政策建议。基于联合国COMTRADE和BACI数据集,采用归一化显示比较优势指数(NRCA)和出口潜力指数(EPI)来衡量贸易流量。首先,调查结果显示,就农产品贸易流量而言,欧洲市场是老挝的第四大贸易伙伴,特别是农产品。然而,由于出口缺乏多样化,2020年农产品出口仅占对欧盟出口总额的8%。其次,调查结果显示,出口到欧盟的潜在高需求农产品包括未烘焙和不脱咖啡因的咖啡、香蕉,以及新鲜或干燥和去壳的大米。比较优势指数测算(NRCA > 0)显示,老挝农产品出口潜力从2012年的90种产品增加到2020年的107种产品,尽管2016年至2020年期间有所下降。第三,欧盟对老挝农产品出口的严格要求已成为一个重大的市场障碍,因为许多老挝出口商不熟悉欧盟市场,而且企业生产符合欧盟标准的高质量产品的能力有限。 Because the majority of firms in Laos at present are small and medium-sized businesses, they cannot run their operations internationally. Fourth, the results also indicated that a lack of technical support from relevant stakeholders, new EU rules and regulatory enforcement on agri-food importing, the COVID-19 pandemic, and high transportation costs are all important challenges facing Lao exporters. In addition, obtaining an organic certificate on product standards and safety requirements is another big issue facing Lao exporters. Finally, the domestic business association does not function effectively in enhancing economies of scale and helping with market negotiation. The policy recommendations are discussed in this study, with the aim to find insights for promoting agri-food export from Laos to the EU market.


