艾比哈珀:好的。你好,每个人。,欢迎来到我们今天的研讨会——采购当地食物和理解采购规章制度。在开始之前,我只是想照顾几个管家提示。为了充分参与研讨会,您需要连接到Adobe连接以及通过音频。音频连接信息是在聊天框的右下角。,请保持你的电话沉默整个演讲的音频是明确的。如果每个人都能把手机静音。我们今天要做的问题通过右下角的聊天工具。如果你有任何问题,你可以输入他们在那里,我们将试图让他们的合适。 If we don't get to any by the end of the webinar, we can follow-up with you. But we do have a lot of material to cover today in a short amount of time, so we'll hold most questions until the end. So to quickly introduce you to our presenters today, I am Abby Harper, the Farm to School Specialist at the Center for Regional Food Systems. And with me here, I have Aimee Happala who is a Financial Analyst at the Michigan Department of Education. You'll hear our voices the most today. Additionally, we have some other friends from the Department of Education joining us. Jaime Malnar, Melissa Lonsberry, and Adrienne Davenport will all share a presentation at the end relevant to their programs. We also have Gary Slate who's in the Midwest Office of the USDA Food and Nutrition Services. He'll be on hand at the end of the call to answer any questions that we may not be able to. And as a reminder, please do mute your phones if you're calling in just to make sure we don't get too much feedback. I can hear a couple people sneezing, so please make sure to mute your phones. So just to give you some background for why we're doing this webinar today, every year in September in accordance with our MI Farm to School Grant Program -- which if you're not familiar with, you can find out about on our mifarmtoschool.msu.edu webpage. So every year in September, we do a round of training. And this year in September, we touched briefly on procurement, but we recognized that there was still a lack of clarity and confusion on the subject of procuring local foods for Farm to School Programs. We also had the opportunity with the Michigan Department of Education to do an intent procurement training earlier this month. And so we wanted to capitalize on that opportunity to share with your guys some information. So there will be three goals for this webinar today. First is to understand how procurement regulations apply to local purchasing initiatives. The second is to identify strategies and tools for purchasing from Michigan and/or locally for your school and early childhood programs. And you will leave the webinar able to properly apply procurement procedures to your local purchasing. I do want to emphasize that this webinar is not covering the topics such as developing menus that incorporate local foods or how to start planning for a Farm to School Program. This webinar is meant to guide you through the technical aspects of the procurement process once you've decided to purchase local foods and identify some areas of your menu where you could incorporate local foods. If you're interested in learned more about those other more planning aspects, I encourage you to check out some of the resources available at our website such as our Purchasing Michigan Products Guide and our Farm to Early Childhood Programs Guide. Those go much more in depth with some of those early steps of how to put products on your menu. And you can find all of those guides, as well as some other resources, at our mifarmtoschool.msu.edu webpage. And with that, I will pass it off to Aimee to talk about some procurement basics.
艾梅Happala:好的。谢谢你,艾比。下午好,每个人。首先,我想从为什么我们开始讨论采购和规定。这样的主要原因是,(听不清)发起人负责营养不良项目的(听不清)基金。他们是由联邦政府资助,运行这些程序的州和地方政府官员对纳税人负责。本条例由程序使用运营商提供合理保证百思买。和失败进行适当的采购程序可能导致不合理的成本是不允许在学校营养计划。所以记住这一背景下,我们要向前走并谈论好采购的原则。采购的主要组件是完整和开放竞争,公平和完整性和响应性的和负责任的供应商。 And we'll dig into each of these three more in depth now. Full and open competition means that everyone is on a level playing field and has the same opportunity to compete. If the playing field is leveled, vendor participation is encouraged, the cost of the product and services will be lower in price, better-quality products and services will result, and this ensures efficient use of federal funds. Procurement procedures may never unjustifiably restrict or limit competition. The second component of good procurement is responsive and responsible vendors. Responsive vendors conform to schools' stated terms and conditions. And a responsible vendor can and will successfully fulfill the terms and conditions of the proposed procurement. Now the third component of good procurement is fairness and integrity. Good practices of fairness and integrity include using the procurement process to obtain high-quality goods or services at the lowest possible price. Developing a solicitation that contains specifications that are clear and not unduly restrictive. Publicizing the solicitation appropriately to the widest possible audience to [inaudible] full and open competition. Writing clear evaluation criteria that are not unduly restrictive. Allowing adequate time for respondents to prepare responsive bids or proposals. Ensuring transparency in the opening and evaluating of bids and proposals, and documenting the entire process. Also, procuring within the awarded scope identified in the solicitation. And overall transparency throughout the entire process is key -- maintaining clear, forthright, and out and the open.