

本次网络研讨会邀请了Jessica Smith这个古老的农场.它还包括密歇根食品中心网络项目的更新和融资机会的信息。



Noel Bielaczyc:大家好,现在是东部时间1点,我们要开始网络研讨会了。我想自我介绍一下,我叫诺埃尔·比拉兹克,来自区域食品系统中心。我和Morse Marketing的Rich Pirog、Marty Gerencer和Chad Gerencer一起组成了密歇根食品中心学习和创新网络的核心团队。这是[音频跳过]为大家带来这次网络研讨会。我们请到了杰西卡·史密斯,我们将讨论节目更新和扩大[音频跳过]。我们在一开始有一些更新,所以我们会尽量让它继续下去。再一次,主持人Rich Pirog不需要介绍,我相信你们都知道他是谁。南希·奈奎斯特,我们来自密歇根农业和农村发展部的同事将会简短地和我们在一起。还有杰西卡·史密斯,她是这个老农场的联合创始人和老板,这是一个位于印第安纳州科尔法克斯的食品中心,以定制肉类加工设施为中心。他们与当地的许多农民打交道,她将向我们讲述她在那里的经历。 So just very briefly our agenda, I'm going to give a very quick updated called by Marty, Rich and Nancy will provide some more in depth updates about what's going on now and in the future for machine food hubs. And then we're going to cut to Jessica for the bulk of the webinar who will try and provide 20 minutes or more Q and A and discussion at the end so. Sure, I can try to speak up I guess. Is that a little better? I guess I'll just lean in a bit. So just very quickly I just wanted to mention the University of Vermont Food Hub Managers Certificate Program. This is something we were really excited to hear about and we're very thrilled to be having some of our Michigan Food Hub folks will be attending this program. It's the first kind in the nation, almost kind of a pilot program. The curriculum is going to cover the fundamentals of food hub management and operation. Classes begin on the 12th of January. So we're really excited that we'll have some Michigan participants there and if you are interested in learning some more you should check out their website it's a great program and we're just really excited to be a part of this. So with that I'm just going to turn it right over to Marty and she is going to talk a little bit about Boot Camp for Farmers Program that they.

Marty Gerencer:大家好,我是Morse Marketing Connections的Marty Gerencer,密歇根食品中心网络的联合召集人还有Rich, Noel和Chad。我们只是想和你们分享一些我们正在进行的由密歇根农业和农村发展部资助的研讨会。我们正在和有兴趣提供食物中心的农民一起举办这些研讨会。它们发生在这里的冬季。让我们快速浏览一下这些目标。我们的重点是商业和金融知识,还有一些是食品安全。我们的农民告诉我们,供应在增加,特别是向食品中心这样的地方供应,他们面临的两个挑战是制定商业计划,以便他们能够建立自己的能力和食品安全。这就是为什么我们把这些作为我们的目标。我们正在与该州的食品中心合作举办这些研讨会。这是我们在过去一年中实际取得的一些成果,这是我们在每次会议后试图评估的一些成果,并从我们所处的位置学习和建立。 And here's the progress that the farmers have told us they've made beginning and after the workshop, around interest in actually doing a business plan or understanding how to complete one, selling to a food hub. And many of these wanted to learn how to and learned how to at our workshop and networking session. And then also working with other local wholesalers before and after, so that's how our results are stacking up. And here are the workshops that we're having here in January, February and March and we will post these to the MI Food Hub LISTSERV. You'll get information on them, but we're working in Lansing with Alan January 9th coming up here shortly. With the Flint Farmers Market and Mary Dunbrennan [assumed spelling] on January 20th. In Ann Arbor with Kim Bear [assumed spelling] and Washtenaw on February 10th and then with Sandra at the Albion Food Hub on March 20th. We also will have some food hub presentations likely at some of these workshops and there's plenty of networking time for your farmers, so please help us spread the word. So that's what I have I think we're moving on [audio skips].

Noel Bielaczyc:很好,谢谢Marty,我现在把话筒交给Rich,他将会谈论一些即将到来的项目。我们开始吧。

Rich Pirog:非常非常感谢你,非常感谢Noel。对于那些还没有机会见到诺埃尔的人,我很高兴诺埃尔能来到区域食品系统中心。他从10月份开始加入我们的团队,一半时间在食品中心网络,一半时间在牲畜和肉类供应链(音频跳过)牲畜工作组工作。我知道你们都很想从杰西卡那里听到一些事情,她首先研究了我们与这个食品中心网络合作的前30个月的工作。我们在11月的会议上分发了复印件,你们可以在中心的网站上获得这些复印件。我们会在网站结束前为你输入实际的URL,这样你就可以有[音频跳过]。我还想提醒大家很多人都听说过密歇根美食基金,这是一项将于2015年启动的新倡议。这个基金如果你熟悉健康食品融资,健康食品融资的方方面面,在许多其他州和一些城市都有倡议比如加利福尼亚,宾夕法尼亚,弗吉尼亚,科罗拉多,辛辛那提。其他州的这些基金主要以贷款的形式提供融资,主要是贷款,然后是对零售,食品零售的技术援助。密歇根的不同之处在于密歇根美食基金的一些资金将流向非零售行业。 So they could go for example to food hubs. And so we're excited about that possibility here in Michigan. So the fund currently has $3.5 million in it through a money -- most of that money that's already in it comes from the Department of Treasury. It being held by a CDFI, a community development financial institution called Capital Impact Partners. They are going to be the holders of this fund. The target size for the fund over time is to and this is from both foundations and other public partners. The target is for hopefully up to $3 million, most of which will be in the form of loans, some may be in grants. And there will be the actual program guidelines that will be coming out after the first of the year. We hope sometime in the winter with more information. The Center for Regional Food Systems along with Fair Food Network and Capital Impact Partners are all sort of the on-the-ground organizations for the fund. A lot of the work is being coordinated and I would say the Kellogg Foundation has provided the leadership and will be providing a little bit of the funding for this fund as we move forward. The six things, actually the main goals -- there are six in total for the fund is obviously increasing access to healthy, affordable food. Equitable access to food and jobs. Helping expand the local food economy, environmental stewardship, increase the purchase of locally grown foods, and supporting new businesses. And for those of you, I'm sure many on this call, are familiar with the Michigan Good Food charter. The Michigan Good Food Fund, although it will have a different logo than the Michigan Good Food Charter is after the same set of goals, particularly around healthy food access jobs and communities in the economy. So if you're looking at this set of goals you can see the parallels to the Michigan Good Food Charter. At the Center for Regional Food Systems and through this Michigan Food Hub Network we hope to enhance the work that we're doing in the network as partners in the Michigan Good Food Fund by providing some opportunities. As Noel mentioned, there will be some opportunities for several of our hubs to get some financial assistance to be part of the Food Hub Manager Program. There will be additional opportunities for technical assistance and bringing additional food hub expertise into Michigan. I'm excited to announce that we do have a confirmed speaker at our March 3rd next statewide meeting from Common Market in Philadelphia either Hylie [assumed spelling] or Tatiana, they're the partners that run Common Market. One of them will be here and will be in the Battle Creek area and we're all excited about that. More to come about that. And lastly, to help the existing hubs and other food processing businesses that are interested in focusing on underserved communities. How can we help build their capacity? There may be some additional very specific projects coming down. So that is all that I have I'm going to turn things back to Noel.

Noel Bielaczyc:当然,谢谢Rich,我们会在3月3日的会议上发布更多的信息,留着日期吧。确切的地点将会公布,但很快就会有[音频跳过]。接下来我将把讲台交给来自MDARD的Nancy Nyquist。期待听到她关于密歇根州正在发生的一些激动人心的机会的最新消息。去吧,南希,交给你了。



