锯齿谷甲虫(Oryzaephilus surinamensis)
锯齿纹谷甲虫是密歇根州厨房和食品储藏室中第二常见的害虫(印度食蛾是最常见的)。这种昆虫喜欢碾碎的谷物制品。成年锯齿纹甲虫是一种细长的昆虫,体长约1/8英寸。它们的寿命通常为6 - 10个月,但也有可能长达3年。雌性在食物中或谷物粒上产卵45到275个。小而纤细的白色卵在3到5天内孵化。幼虫在觅食时爬来爬去。在夏季,从卵到成虫的发育期约为4周。这些昆虫可以在谷物产品的任何地方,从农场的储存箱到储存成品的仓库,以及你自己的橱柜里。最好的控制方法是丢弃受感染的产品。 Check all opened packages of flour, noodles, cereal, and even dog food and birdseed) for beetles, larvae (small, white grubs). Discard any that are show signs of an insect infestation. Next, thoroughly scrub cupboards and kitchen area with strong a detergent. Inspect behind and under appliances for spilled flour or other cereal products that can harbor these insects and remove if found. Once the area is clean, any household insecticide containing pyrethrums can be applied, if you so desire, to kill those missed by the clean up. Storing open packages of dried cereal products in heavy gauge re-sealable plastic bags will protect non-infested foods from egg-laying females.