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Program & Event Announcement Template


September 29, 2020 - Author:

A program or event announcement can be a helpful marketing tool, especially during times of virtual programming. Consider adding a program/event announcement as part of your outreach efforts. The template and example on this guide can support first time writers in creating these useful resources.

How to Distribute a Program or Event Announcement

Depending on your role within the organization, there may be several ways in which you can distribute your program/event announcement.

  • All staff:Distribute to local media in your community; many county and district support staff have lists of media personnel that can be utilized for this purpose or reach out to MSU Extension Communications for assistance in crafting a list.
  • All staff:If you are asking colleagues within MSU Extension to help you promote your program or event, add a program/event announcement to your suite of promotional materials that you email out.
  • Educators:Submit your program/event announcement to the MSU Extension News inbox. Note: not all institute leadership will accept program/event announcements for article credit, however, promotional articles of this nature can be published.


Your Name
Your Organization
Your Phone
Your Email

For Immediate Release

标题:邀请读者继续阅读arn more

First paragraph: Brief summary of what is taking place, when and where, as well as who should attend. If you can, add an intriguing fact or sentiment that will encourage people to continue reading. For example: Is this a launch of a new program? A first-of-its-kind offering for the area? A special anniversary celebration?

Second paragraph: Quote about why people should attend, what the value of the event is for the community, or what the need is for the opportunity. Can quote oneself or someone else. Note: basic information like what time the event is, or where it is located, shouldnotbe in quotes. That should be in the narrative. Use the quotes for adding context and interest.

Third paragraph: More detailed information about what will transpire at the program. When will it start? What will be covered? Who will be presenting or leading the event? Who is hosting the event (partners?).

OPTIONAL: Another quote. Could be from the program host or from a past participant who has something positive to say (look at past evaluations).

Fourth paragraph: Cost, how to register, point of contact, and where to go to learn more.

Last paragraph: Sponsors and civil rights information.

Download the PDF file to view a sample event announcement.

Program/Event Announcement Checklist

When developing a good program or event announcement, make sure the release covers the following questions:

  • What is the event or program?
  • Where is it happening?
  • When is it happening?
  • Who is holding the event or program?
  • Who is the intended audience?
  • Why would someone want to attend?

Attempt to keep the announcement around one page in length.

Ask a colleague to review the release for spelling and grammar.


Accessibility Questions:

For questions about accessibility and/or if you need additional accommodations for a specific document, please send an email to ANR Communications & Marketing