Nigeria Land Governance Reform: What needs to be done to stimulate demand and support market growth?
DOWNLOAD FILESeptember 18, 2019 - Author:Hosaena GhebruandAdam Kennedy
Hosaena Ghebru and Adam Kennedy, 2019. Nigeria Land Governance Reform: What needs to be done to stimulate demand and support market growth?, Food Security Policy Research Brief 97, East Lansing: Michigan State University.
Key Policy Recommendations
- Bundle new systems for formalizing land rights with administrative and institutional reform packages to ensure sustainability.
- Enhance the human and capital resource capacity of all ministries and agencies involved in land administration services, including at the local level.
- Promote transparency through innovations with GIS and land digitization that also improve efficiency and reduce potential errors.
- Support existing customary tenure arrangements that function well, especially in rural areas with lower land values.