My Experience at the Communication Art Building– MSU


March 15, 2019 - Author: Onyinye Price Choko

Highlights 34, Onyinye Price Choko, My Experience at the Communication Art Building– MSU, March 2019.

I still bask in reminiscence of my awesome experience at the Communication Arts Building. It started on the 12th October, 2018, after casually boarding Bus 24 at the CATA bus stop adjacent to the School of Packaging, with the aim of touring round East Lansing. I sat quietly at the rear seat in the bus as it took me through the manifold and exciting landscape of the West Lake Lansing Road, East Lansing, MI. It got to its last bus stop (Meijer), and began returning to MSU. On getting to MSU, the bus driver had a routine stop at the NBD Red Cedar & Trowbridge where the drivers usually take a break and rest before continuing their seemingly never-ending journey. While the bus was stationed at the NBD Red Cedar & Trowbridge, I drop off and was still interested to tryout other things. Therefore, I found this wonderful building next to the Trowbridge off Red Cedar road. On the facial exterior was written College of Communication Arts and Sciences, a three story building, coated with brown marble, receiving and exhaling several persons from multiple races.

因此,我大胆地走了进来,表示了欢迎the view of several pictures and artistic works done by the nobles of the college, with specific focus on Africa. I had to walk gently and painstakingly reading through the tag labeled on each item and trying to understand the stories behind these pictures and works that caught my attention. I began to wonder why only African articles were displayed; little did I know that the week was dedicated to literal works, which were done in Africa. Suddenly, a wonderful lady, who would later serve as my tour guide, was walking through the trail and saw me glancing at the works. She stopped and we exchanged pleasantries; she introduced herself as Darcy Greene, a retired faculty member of the college, and I reciprocated then we shook hands. We got talking and she patiently took me through the displays, one after the other, explaining the contents and the context associated with each item. Still walking down the path we got to her own works and they were nothing but excellent. I learned that she had worked as a journalist, with particular interest in Benin, a neighboring country to my Nigeria, all in West Africa. This was the first phase of the experience. So she invited for the movie session as part of the programme being celebrated, which would hold in the evening of that same day and the next. My tour guide was very persuasive and convincing that I had to accept her invitation.

The evening came and I went to watch the movie. Arriving at the Communication Art building, Darcy welcomed me and I saluted other guest as at the event. People from various races graced the event. I met African counterparts from Gabon, Nigeria, Botswana, Kenya, etc. Unknowing to me, African dishes were served in the event; I sat down interacting with my phone, while waiting for the movie to start. Darcy then informed me that there was free food and so I went to get some. On getting to the buffet, I was so surprised that the food was all about Africa. I took a little of each available option (goat meat, chicken, croaker fish, rice, beans, plantain), and water to integrate them in my abdominal hollow. The meal was splendid, and as expected, the cook was a Black lady from Mother Ghana. After eating, I quickly walked into the conference room/cinema for the movie proper. The cinema arrangement was praiseworthy; the seats were all intact, arranged in a diagonal form; the sound system was quite laudable, and there were several screens that eased viewing from any part of the hall. The welcome address and brief introduction were anchored by a Nigerian, before the producer of the movie came up on stage to tickle our fancy and raise our expectation for the movie we were about to watch. Then the movie began, it was an Opera describing the determination of Africans as they searched for better opportunities in Europe and other developed parts of the world. It revealed how Africans would save a lot of money with the hope of sponsoring themselves through illegal routes and finally arriving Europe. It also exposed how Africans fantasize, imagine, promote, and dream about being in Europe – the Canaan of the Black race. The movie brought to light the challenges posed by the Sahara desert, the Mediterranean Sea, the traffickers along these transects - some of which would seize them and threw them into forced labor. The movie compared the zeal of Africans to that of the Savior as recorded in the Holy writ (Hebrew 12:2b “who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God”). The Opera ended by concluding that this kind of immigration, though dangerous, has also helped to develop the European nations through provision of a labor force. After the movie ended, I came out of the hall informed and excited, and quickly expressed my appreciation to my tour guide (Dr. Darcy) for giving me the opportunity to be a part of the programme. Finally, I left to my flat.

The experience was worthwhile because it gave me the opportunity to meet some interesting personalities, developed my network sphere, nostalgically recall my home through the meals served, be educated and to look beyond my challenges as I strive through the dark parts of my life.



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