

IDWP 155。薇罗尼卡Theriault,梅林达斯梅尔,哈姆萨海德尔。2017。不同的农业生态条件下玉米产量反应肥料在布基纳法索

在撒哈拉以南非洲地区实现粮食安全取决于提高小农的生产力,在布基纳法索,没有选择除了强化提高作物生产力。土壤在西非荒漠草原和稀树大草原的老,深层土壤有机质和穷人,保留营养的能力较低,而这个地区也最密集的大陆。然而,正如在其他国家的撒哈拉沙漠以南的非洲地区,国家农业研究系统制定肥料推荐在1980年代和1970年代,但这些没有,还没有,考虑不同的农业。bob体育登录农业生态和土壤条件的异质性导致了农业系统的多样性和种植模式。这种异质性,以及不完整输入市场,创建高度变量为小农经济激励措施。因此,有必要了解农民的动机使用强化策略,包括肥料。我们使用从布基纳法索农场家庭调查数据研究农业生态因素,如何测量在几个尺度的分析(情节、村庄和区),影响玉米的产量反应和玉米肥料使用的盈利能力。我们专注于玉米旱地麦片,因为它是唯一重要的肥料使用。我们估计的玉米产量响应函数相结合的两步过程相关的随机效应与控制功能的方法来处理定常未被注意的异质性和肥料使用的内生性。然后我们分析使用化肥的盈利能力通过计算边际和平均价值成本比率系数估计。 We explore the sensitivity of profitability to different assumptions about maize price and fertilizer costs, including fertilizer subsidies and adjustments for transactions costs. Results indicate that agro-ecological factors measured at the scale of plot, village and zone significantly affect maize productivity. The agronomic optimum lies outside the range of observed data, consistent with evidence of long-term nutrient depletion and suggesting that all maize plots would benefit from use of additional fertilizer. The marginal effect of nitrogen is stronger on less fertile soils and in the Sudano-Sahelian zone. At full market prices, fertilizer use is unprofitable, whereas it is profitable with the 50% fertilizer subsidy. However, transaction costs diminish the benefits of the subsidy. In some cases, fertilizer use is not profitable. Findings underscore the need to be cautious when generalizing across regions or formulating policies based on findings from a single region. Policies that consider heterogeneity may be more effective in promoting sustainable input use by making it more profitable. As currently designed, the fertilizer subsidy program promotes maize, which is not well suited to all agroecologies in Burkina Faso. Programs targeted to a single crop may not be desirable, especially in the context of climate change. Although the subsidy enhances profitability (to the extent that it covers transactions costs), there may be more effective ways to make fertilizer more affordable to farmers, such as investments in road infrastructure and removing illicit tax collection.


