欧洲蠼螋(Forficula auricularia)
“蠼螋”这个名字来自于一个古老的迷信,认为这些昆虫进入睡着的人的耳朵,钻进大脑并产卵。事实上,它们是无害的,尽管在昆虫的尾部有一对看起来很凶猛的钳子。如果你粗暴地对待蠼螋,它们会给你半痛半痛的一捏,但并不是说任何人都碰过蠼螋。蠼螋是夜行动物,白天躲在潮湿、阴凉的地方,在岩石、树皮或原木下。它们主要以腐烂的植物为食,但偶尔也会以活的植物、活的或死的昆虫为食。幼崽在地下的小洞穴里发育,由雌性照料。大约在六月的第三周,它们开始从密歇根南部的地下巢穴中出来。蠼螋通过地下室窗户、门周围的裂缝和其他靠近地面的入口进入房屋。他们有翅膀,但很少飞。在秋天,它们会大量聚集在树上、房屋的侧面和其他建筑物上,寻找过冬的保护区。 Even through earwigs are one of our least-liked insects, they are not known to bite or sting, eat your house or stored food, or infest your pets, transmit diseases or harm trees. The best method of controlling earwigs inside of the home is to vacuum them up. If they become terribly numerous, persistent insecticides such as permethrin (sold under a variety of brand names, cyfluthrin (sold as Bayer Advanced Garden Insect Control for homeowners or Tempo for commercial applicators) or one of the Ortho products can be applied around the outside of the house.