我们使用拦截调查的参与者在2018年国家公平,对供应商的调查和会计数据来估计新的经济活动中生成密西根上半岛和托管社区。通过新经济活动,我们强烈限制我们认为对经济活动的贡献在这个报告中,出现的,只有那些支出以外的区域经济作为基地产生的经济影响。2018年国家公平产生865197美元的总收入州集市。占成本承办2018年后国家公平,是赢得了303197美元的持续运营和维护了国家游乐场。总出勤超过92000和2017年的创纪录的6.3%。大约18%的参与者来自域外,13%的参与者在该地区产生过夜。与会者花了大约554860美元的游乐场,游乐场之外的约5359476美元。只有支出的非本地与会者外的集市使用为基础产生的经济影响。共有188个供应商购买空间在2018年国家公平;创建的国家游乐场和收入支出在当地经济。 They spent about $263,778 in the local economy. Most vendors (122) were from outside the region, and only those expenditures from vendors from outside the region were used to assess an economic impact. Based on our estimates, the 2018 UP State Fair generated $2,764,310 million in new transactions in the region that supported 29 regional jobs with annual labor income of $686,521. Taking other types of income into consideration, the 2018 UP State Fair generated $1,360,151 in new income in the region. These estimates do not take into consideration spending from local residents, whose expenditures at the fair are likely to offset other expenditures in the region.