下载文件2022年10月19日-作者:S. K. Mohanty和Pankhuri Gaur
BIMSTEC一直是世界上最重要的经济增长热点之一,几乎在过去三十年中一直占据主导地位。该地区显示出增长弹性,并避开了全球经济持续衰退的压力。全球经济衰退已连续15年结束。无论全球贸易体制如何变化,该地区的增长状况几乎是不间断的。在长期推行的进口替代战略一再失败后,该区域大多数国家都将贸易视为增长的动力。出口导向型增长战略为该地区经济体带来了丰厚的红利,尽管在全球经济衰退期间,这种战略仍逐渐失效。作为区域进程的后来者,BIMSTEC区域经济体成功地独立采用了出口战略,因为它们的国家发展计划多年来进展顺利。预计到2030年,印度将成为世界第三大经济体。孟加拉国、尼泊尔、不丹等地区经济体从最不发达国家毕业或正在从最不发达国家毕业到发展中国家的经济成就,是该地区经济快速发展的见证。区域经济的崛起是它们审慎的国内宏观经济政策的结果。在为实现更高增长而制定国内经济政策的过程中,该地区未能启动在BIMSTEC区域内利用一体化进程的努力。 Consolidation of the integration process was lagging within the region, which could have added strength to the endeavours of the regional economies to maintain high growth, unlike many Regional Integration Arrangements (RIAs) in the immediate neighbourhood. Although regional integration did not yield much in the past, the performance of the region in terms of a rising share of real GDP and trade in the world economy grew consistently during the last three decades. The pressing issue is how to raise Intra Regional Trade (IRT) through the regional integration process to contribute to the region’s efforts to maintain further high growth.