Apple-and-thorn记下概要(Choreutis pariana)
这个鲜为人知,小毛毛虫是一个广泛的害虫观赏海棠树木15年前。但自那时以来,它已经几乎消失的风景。除了红果,它还吃苹果、桦木、樱桃、山楂、柳、花楸。这个昆虫发生从弗吉尼亚到加州北部,北到加拿大。据报道是一个严重的商业苹果园害虫在不列颠哥伦比亚省。成人是相当漂亮的小蛾约1/4英寸长翅膀的布朗暗示的灰色和雕刻的技巧。翅膀是平坦的腹部在一种独特的“V”或delta-shaped姿势。aat发展很快从鸡蛋到成人,四代可能发生在一个赛季。在春天,过冬飞蛾开始产卵后不久展开。孵化后,小毛毛虫开始喂养在叶下表面的松散覆盖的丝绸。 Later, it moves to the upper surface where it ties the edges of the leaf together, forming a protective shelter. Here the caterpillar feeds on the tissue between the veins giving the leaf a lace-like or “skeletonized” appearance. Severely damaged leaves may prematurely drop from the tree. During warm weather, the AATS may complete its life cycle in 30 days or less. To control AATS on ornamental trees, apply sprays of Sevin or Malathion to the foliage beginning in late May and repeat treatment if the small caterpillars reappear. Use Malathion or Ortho Home Fruit Spray on fruit trees.