土豆(茄属植物TUBEROSUMl .)
种植马铃薯,茄属植物tuberosum (2 n = 4 x = 48)是最重要的蔬菜作物和第四个世界上最重要的粮食作物。新鲜的土豆是一个重要的食品市场的原材料也是薯条,凿,淀粉加工业。密歇根马铃薯产业有一个变量的历史但其生存的一个主要马铃薯生产州在美国可以归因于它能够适应不断变化的市场趋势。在世纪之交的整个密歇根土豆销售新鲜和种子。今天,密歇根马铃薯产业是由芯片加工行业,约占80%的生产大约45000英亩。密歇根北部马铃薯产业是最大的土豆削行业供应商。2020年密歇根马铃薯收获farmgate价值约2亿美元的营销后增加到超过十亿美元。
在密歇BOB体育根州立大学,我们一直致力于开发改善马铃薯品种的芯片加工和tablestock市场自1988年以来。四个综合育种程序的程序是一个在朝鲜中部地区支持研究所通过美国农业部/ NIFA土豆特别拨款。在密歇根州立大学,我们进行一个全面的多学科的马铃薯育种和品种发展,集植物病理学、昆虫学、生物技术和基因组学以满足密歇根的需求。程序集传统和生物技术方法繁殖疾病和昆虫抗药性定位对科学和技术的机会出现。我们还研发更多高效的方法,品种改良马铃薯品种在四倍体和二倍体水平。
在密歇根,一级市场要求我们重点发展高产圆土豆的优秀的芯片加工领域和/或存储。此外,还有一个需要表品种(黄褐色,红、黄、白色)。我们进行各种试验的先进在密歇根州立大学研究地点选择和田间试验(Montcalm研究中心湖城研究中心从事研究中心和密歇根州立大学农学农场)。bob体育登录我们还船种子州和加拿大其他省份进行各种试验,我们配合密歇根马铃薯产业委员会在密歇根种植试验。这种测试是至关重要的在确定的商业潜力。通过传统的温室里的十字架,我们开发新的基因组合在繁殖计划,以及屏幕和识别外来种质,提高品种的育种。每周期的穿越和选择我们看到指导改进对改良品种(如结合芯片加工、痂阻力、PVY阻力,晚疫病抗性和更高的比重)。我们继续看到痂的增加,晚疫病和抗PVY在繁殖材料和选择。我们需要继续结合这些特点在长期存储芯片加工线。已经有11年我们开始SolCAP项目,我们也受益于SolCAP SNP数组DNA标记技术,我们现在可以查询35000个SNP(相比8303个SNP在最初的数组)。 This SolCAP translational genomics project has finally giving us the opportunity to link genetic markers to important traits (reducing sugars, starch, scab resistance, etc.) in the cultivated potato lines and then breed them into elite germplasm. The SNPs also allow us to accurately fingerprint the varieties (DNA fingerprinting database). In addition, our program has been utilizing genetic engineering as a tool to introduce new genes to improve varieties and advanced germplasm for traits such as insect resistance, late blight and PVY resistance, lower reducing sugar, nitrogen use efficiency and drought. In 2021, we plan to test potatoes with late blight resistance, drought tolerance, invertase silencing and gene editing for PPO and self-compatibility. Furthermore, PotatoesUSA is supporting national early generation trials called the National Chip Processing Trial (NCPT) which will feed lines into the SNAC (SFA) trials and also Fast Track lines into commercial testing (NexGen testing). The PotatoesUSA Fast Track program invests in larger-scale seed increase for early generation promising chip-processing lines for commercial scale evaluation by growers and processors. This has led to the release of Saginaw Chipper (MSR061-1), Manistee (MSL292-A), Huron Chipper (MSW485-2), Mackinaw (MSX540-4), and Petoskey (MSV030-4). The next clones for commercialization are MSZ242-13 and MSW474-1. In the table markets, Blackberry and MSV093-1Y are showing promise. We also have funding to develop genome editing technologies that may not be classified as regulated through a USDA/BRAG grant. This technology can be used to introduce lower sugars, bruising and asparagine as well a number of other traits in the future. We also have a USDA/AFRI diploid breeding grant to develop some foundational diploid breeding germplasm. In 2015, we were awarded the USAID grant to generate late blight resistance potatoes for Bangladesh and Indonesia. This Feed the Future project brings us into cutting edge GM work with Simplot and the International Potato Center (CIP). Lastly, we have NSF-funded grants to better understand the potato genome and study wound-healing in potato. We feel that these in-house capacities (both conventional and biotechnological) put us in a unique position to respond to and focus on the most promising directions for variety development and effectively integrate advanced technologies with the breeding of improved chip-processing and tablestock potatoes.
- 利用传统育种技术来生成苗品种选择和发展以及种质渗入异国情调的茄属植物种质资源的多样性发展的目的。
- 转换技术融入经济重要性的繁殖计划引入的基因。
- 进行早期筛查程序评估代育种材料和先进的芯片处理,选择抗马铃薯甲虫和疾病,如晚疫病(叶片和块茎)和痂。
- 关键性状的遗传学研究针对马铃薯改进。
- 开发一个二倍体育种方法基于introgressing自交,这样自交系发展可以实现。
- 进行重复试验,旨在评估先进的市场成熟度和适应性选择和新版本(从密歇根州和其他州)强调产量、芯片加工,一般的外表,干物质,和斑痕瘀伤的阻力,影响特定市场的外部和内部缺陷。
- 继续名称、商业版本,和智力保护马铃薯新品种为马铃薯产业的价值。