加里Voogt先生和他的妻子雪莉拥有和经营注册安格斯家庭农场在西密歇根。他们的农场MAEAP验证和牛肉质量保证认证。现在是他们的五个孩子和孙辈参观的好地方。Voogt先生毕业于密西根科技大学在霍顿密歇根B。土木工程学位。他是一个注册专业工程师。2007年7月,他从一个奖励41年退休的职业生涯作为一个市政工程顾问,主要股东,大Rapids-based公司的总裁兼首席执行官。Voogt先生过去密歇根畜牧业协会的主席,他已近40年,和过去的密歇根牛肉行业委员会主席和主任18年。他收到了来自密歇根州立大学的杰出服务奖和他和他的家人被任命为成员,纯种育种密歇根畜牧业协会。BOB体育Voogt先生代表密西根州作为一个国家畜牧业牛肉协会的主任(NCBA)。他是特权作为NCBA总统在2009年,许多国家的经验,包括旅行,在国会的证词,前往墨西哥和加拿大客人的牛的关联。 He was elected Region I Vice President of NCBA in 2003 and served on the Executive Committee, the evaluation Committee, the Beef Checkoff Working Group, Vice Chairman Beef Promotion Operating Committee, Vice Chairman of Global Marketing Group, and Director of the U.S. Meat Export Federation. He shares that hundreds of friendships were formed during these experiences. Mr. Voogt believes it important to serve his church and his community. He served as deacon, elder and president of his Church council, on the Christian School Board, and six years as Township Treasurer. Mr. Voogt has maintained a strong association with MSU, serving on the State Council for MSU AgBioResearch and Extension, and on the Advisory Council for the Lake City Experiment Station. He has provided guest lectures in the MSU feedlot management class.