Marie a . Ruemenapp博士是一名联合任命的推广专家;作为一名外联专家,她是密歇根州立大学规划、设计和建设学院城市与区域规划项目管理的密歇根州立大学推广城市合作者项目的联合主任。她还将共同发展和促进国家夏雷特研究所在SPDC的战略规划活动。Ruemenapp是全美公认的密歇根州立大学城市工作专家。她在项目规划和评估方面有超过31年的社区推广经验;员工招聘、聘用、培训和监督;财政和赠款管理;伙伴关系建立;还有组织领导力。鲁梅纳普领导了许多地方、地区、全州和全国范围内的推广活动。 She has provided effective leadership and supervision to multiple, large teams of diverse staff across broad geographic areas. Ruemenapp has a broad set of experiences working and networking with a broad variety of people and organizations effectively, including community and political leaders, as well as campus-based administrators, faculty and staff. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Agricultural and Natural Resources Communications, a Master’s degree in Family and Child Ecology Community Services with a minor in community development, and a Doctorate in Planning, Design and Construction with an emphasis in Urban and Regional Planning, all from Michigan State University.