项目描述 :Data suggest that SWD have host preferences that may increase their reproductive success. This project investigated wild host or other non-commercial fruit adjacent to orchards and the impact on SWD population growth in neighboring tart cherry blocks. In 2016, we conducted transect studies at 10 tart cherry orchards in northwest Michigan to evaluate adult SWD movement and infestation of fruit. Five of the selected tart cherry orchards were located less than 50m from a commercial sweet cherry orchard, and there were no woodlots or other type of wooded landscape between these blocks. Two transects of standard SWD traps baited with effective commercial lures were placed in a line perpendicular to the interface between sweet and tart cherries.轨迹以五行间距约100米置入轨迹园和甜樱桃园中,从6月1日到8月15日每周监听轨迹we采样幼虫每周从草色甜樱桃采伐
使用相似方法评价非作物主机中社工集成量。我们确定至少有3个非作物主机工厂相邻商机樱桃果园并安装陷阱到这些网站。这在密歇根西北部5个站点复制。轨迹安装在选定的非作物主机工厂中宿主选择从林区切入果园中心。从边缘切入区中心5个陷阱。轨迹从6月1日至8月15日每周监控。当果实开始成熟时,我们采样非作物宿主果实(~30 6月)
2016年和2017年,我们进行了选择免选实验室生物剖析以确定社工是否偏爱某些果实。弗朗西斯皇帝 黄金 瑞金娜 和乌尔斯特甜樱桃and the wild hosts: mulberry, black raspberry, honeysuckle, and raspberry. Each type of fruit was collected throughout it's ripening process, from green to ripe. At each collection, fruit was tested for firmness, average weight, and brix. Seven fruit were added to the deli cup bioassay chamber and exposed to male and female SWD adults for 48 hours. The fruit was tested for larvae with the brown sugar extraction method after 5+ days. Choice tests were conducted in bug tents where multiple ripenesses or varieties of fruit were added. The fruit was exposed to 10 male and 10 female SWD adults for 48 hours and the fruit was sampled for larvae after 5+ days. We also looked at SWD preference in a choice test comparing already infested fruit to non-infested fruit.
项目牵头/协作者Nikki Rothwell、Emily Pochubay和Larry Gut