

项目描述 :对比季节喷雾ARM对full cover applications in 8-yr old and 15-yr old Montmorency tart cherry blocks at the NWMHRC.  In blocks of both tree ages, four replications of three spray strategy treatments were evaluated for spray coverage: 1) season-long ARM sprays, 2) season-long full cover sprays, and 3) early-season ARM sprays followed by midseason to pre-harvest full cover sprays.  Spray cards (1" x 1") were secured into tree canopies in five zones in each treatment.  Blue food grade dye was added to the airblast sprayer to ‘trace' coverage.  Three spray timings were assessed: post-bloom, straw-color, and pre-harvest.  Spray cards were collected and measured for percent coverage with ImageJ software.  Pest and disease efficacy was also measured in ARM vs.全覆盖应用使用ARM喷雾处理时,每4-5天应用一次视赛季时间而定,每7-10天全覆盖应用spray程序开发基础是最新的害虫和病效数据早季喷雾程序以典型虫害复合物为对象,如棕色腐烂、樱叶点、粉状甘蓝、绿果蠕虫、斜带叶机和卷曲合时序点播机翼drophila管理开始于六月第三周或当水果刚刚失去绿色并被SWD鸡蛋投放程序效率评价每次处理方法,测量樱叶点数和火药温和率分两次使用棕色甘蔗提取法采集并处理果实以测量喷雾程序中社工渗透程度


项目牵头/协作者Emily Pochubay和Nikki Rothwell


