Official recognition of 4-H officers – Part 2

Recognizing the treasurer, corresponding secretary and reporter of a 4-H club as they take their official office is important.

Every four years, the United States celebrates the inauguration of a new President or the swearing in of another term of office for the current President. The ceremony is an official oath of affirmation that the President will do their best to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution. Not necessarily completed every four years, but every year 4-H club across the United States elects officers to uphold the name of the 4-H program and their individual club. Recognizing the accomplishments of these officers and providing them an official ceremony of taking office is an important observance that clubs partake in.

Part 1of this series described the beginning of the candle light ceremony and included the scripts for the president, vice president and secretary inaugurations. Part 2 continues the script with the official ceremony for treasurer, corresponding secretary and reporter.

The script for thetreasureris as follows:

“(Name of treasurer-elect), as treasurer, do you accept the responsibility of handling the credit and debits of this club, keeping accurate financial records and being willing to furnish complete financial reports concerning club finances at each monthly meeting? Do you agree to the following financial guidelines established in Managing Money Wisely? If you accept these responsibilities, please say I do and lite your candle from (name of outgoing treasurer).”

The script for thecorresponding secretaryis as follows:

“(Name corresponding secretary-elect), as corresponding secretary, do you accept the responsibility of handling all correspondences for the club, including but not limited to notes, cards and letters? Do you also agree to fulfill specific duties which the club may designate as the responsibility of the corresponding secretary? If you accept these responsibilities, please say I do and lite your candle from (name of outgoing corresponding secretary).”

The script for thereporteris as follows:

“(Name of reporter-elect), as reporter, do you accept the responsibility of reporting the happenings within this club to the area newspapers and radio stations on a regular basis, as well as promoting the club, 4-H and the youth that participate? If you accept these responsibilities, please say I do and lite your candle from (name of outgoing reporter).”

After all officers have received their individually lit candle, they should up front and together lite one larger candle as the narrator says the following: “Now together as one officer team united for the better of 4-H and the (insert club name), please lite the candle as you will now lead these members for the next year.”

Once the larger candle is lit, all new and old officers should blow out their individual candles with the larger candle representing them as a united club.

According to theMichigan State University Extensionbulletin 4H1467, “Helping You Help Officers and Committees,” an installation ceremony is one way to stress the importance of officers and their contributions to the club as well as to inform the club members of the officers’ roles. Being chosen as a 4-H club officer is an honor that deserves recognition. Recognition, in turn, brings pride to the office.

For more information on officer installation ceremonies, contact theMSU4-H Youth Development leadership and civic engagement team at4-hleadership@anr.msu.eduto assist with recognizing your outstanding teens.

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