

青豆、豆角或突然的bean是同一bean与不同的名称。这些绿色/字符串/吸附bean来黄色和紫色。都是低热量,高饱和脂肪和钠在维生素和矿物质和纤维。bean布什或极bean,基于他们如何成长。极bean需要增长而布什支持bean。根据密歇根州立大学密歇根扩展新BOB体育的简报bean,密歇根州的建议布什品种是肯塔基州怀疑布什,布什蓝湖,皇室紫色豆荚,斯巴达的箭头,温柔的作物,皇家勃艮第和黄金作物。推荐的极bean包括龙利,蓝色的湖和画夫人。的拱杆豆植物爬使一个美丽的除了你的花园,也可以节省花园空间。我们总是确保我们购买无弦的弓杆bean。所有你需要做一个bean拱极是:•两个轻型每个拱栅栏的帖子。 • 4’ x 16’ livestock panels or 3’ x 16’ pig panels (livestock and pig panels and posts can be purchased at farm stores). • Set one post in the ground where you want one side of the arch to be. • Put one end of the panel against that post and lift it up in the center to make an arch. • Set the other post where you want the other side of the panel to be. The closer you put the posts the higher the arch will be. • Use electrical tape to fasten the panels to the post. • Once the arch is in place plant a row of beans on the inside or the outside of the panels. • If you want longer rows simply put two or three panels together. Another added benefit to an arch of pole beans is that you don’t have to bend over anymore to pick your beans! Pick snap beans when they are very young or when they are longer but still smooth with no bulges from the beans inside or when you can see the beans begin to bulge. It is really a personal preference as to how you like your beans but regardless fresh snap beans will snap when broken into pieces. You can preserve snap beans by freezing, canning or drying them. Always follow directions carefully when preserving all your food by using research-based recipes found in updated Ball Blue Books, So Easy to Preserve, the美国农业部完全指南家庭罐头和保存和更新扩展信息表。
