Forest Nash是2017-2018VelmarGreen天赋奖学金接受者
东宁市,MichBOB体育密歇根州立大学Forest Nash通过密歇根乳品纪念和奖学金基金会四千元奖学金 以纪念创新奶头CVelmar Green Elsie获颁MSU农业技术学院奶品管理证书程序二年级学生
纳什以学术成绩、课外活动兴趣和乳品行业兴趣获得奖项。纳什去年夏天在Elsie家庭奶品农场工作并曾科罗拉多Badger溪农场实习生。他在密歇根州期间全程参与MSU Alpha GammaRho友情俱乐部和MSUDAYClub并参加MSU戴瑞挑战赛程。纳什毕业后返回家庭奶品农场帮助父亲和祖父经营
bob体育合法吗The Velmar Green scholarship was established in 2009 by the Michigan Milk Producers Association (MMPA) to recognize Green for his 40 years of service to the MMPA board of directors. Green is the owner of Green Meadow Dairy Farms, Inc., one of the largest herds of registered Holsteins in North America and home to an on-site teaching laboratory for MSU College of Veterinary Medicine students. He has held leadership positions with milk marketing groups, breed associations, the Dairy Herd Improvement Association (DHIA), the Michigan Cattlemen's Association, university advisory groups and agricultural lending organizations. Green was the 2012-13 chairperson of the Michigan Commission of Agriculture and recognized by the World Dairy Expo as the Dairyman of the Year in 2013.
bob体育合法吗欲了解为奶业荣誉成员或支持学生奖学金提供捐款的情况,请联系MSU农业和自然资源学院517-355-0284深入了解密歇根乳品纪念基金会Miriam Weber Niesen动物科学系517-432-5443