



霜霉病是一种普遍、严重疾病的葡萄园。初始叶症状是亮绿色黄色斑点,称为“石油的地方”,因为他们出现油腻。在潮湿的条件下,白色,柔和的孢子质量较低的叶片表面上可以看到。这些孢子风力分散。病变最终变成褐色,受感染的组织死亡。严重感病叶片过早下降,从而减少葡萄的抗寒性。感染的串串干涸或成为覆盖着白色的孢子在潮湿的条件下。感染浆果把斑驳的沉闷的绿色或红色紫色,容易从集群。尽管浆果成为抗感染开花后3周内,几个星期再脊柱保持敏感。感染的病原体过冬树叶落在地面上。 In spring, spores are carried by rain splash to new leaves, where they require a film of water for infection. Lesions appear 5 to 17 days after infection. The disease can spread rapidly under warm conditions with frequent rain or dew. Use the 10-10-10 rule to decide when to start scouting for downy mildew: at least 10 cm (4 in.) of shoot growth, 10 mm (0.4 in.) rainfall and temperatures of 10 degrees Celsius (50 F) during a 24-hour period.