巴特利特于1972年开始了他的职业生涯,为Premier Corporation的国际部管理运往日本和韩国的牛。他负责员工培训、设施设计、现场管理。两年后,他决定回到密歇根州中西部,开始经营自己的小牛和大型动物兽医业务。1977年,巴特利特博士,他的妻子丹尼斯和三个孩子搬到了上半岛(upp),当时他在上半岛研究和推广中心担任经理。bob体育登录1983年,他成为美国农业部的乳制品和牲畜推广专家。他专注于帮助生产者提高产量和盈利能力。巴特利特博士提供了以售前疫苗接种、同步育种研究和低压力牛处理为中心的推广项目。bob体育登录10多年来,他还帮助协调密歇根州和多州的放牧会议。他还参与了牛病毒腹泻(BVD)根除试验,这是一项为期三年的研究的一部分,目的是消除U.P.的疾病。本以提供农民需要的信息而闻名,当他们需要的时候,以一种他们可以联系到的方式。他还每月向1000多人发送通讯,持续了13年。 Dr. Bartlett has served as chair of the North Central Sustainable Agriculture and Research Committee, chair of the Holistic Management International non-profit, authored “Water Systems for Grazing Livestock” that sold over 10,000 copies, and authored a chapter for a NRAES grazing workbook. He has organized producer education tours to Scotland, Argentina, New Zealand, and Australia. Dr. Bartlett has received the MSU Distinguished Academic Staff award, The American Sheep Industry Flock Guardian award, Outstanding Extension Educator, the ESP Visionary Leadership award, the Eisenhower Agriculture Fellowship, and the Growing UP Distinguished Service to Agriculture Award. In retirement, Dr. Bartlett and Denise raise sheep, cattle, and grass. They have participated in grazing and soil health studies within a SARE Farmer and Rancher grant program. They have shared their findings at meetings in Michigan, Wisconsin, South Africa, Kenya, and Kyrgyzstan.