2013 J. Alan Snedegar


Snedegar 2013

J. Alan (Al) Snedegar在印第安纳州拉什维尔附近的一个小型牲畜和谷物农场长大。高中时,他在4-H和FFA都很活跃。除了在全国范围内展出猪和牛肉,他还饲养和出售汉普郡的种猪。他在普渡大学(Purdue University)获得了动物科学学士学位,在那里他是Block & Bridle俱乐部的主席和牲畜评审团的成员。在普渡养猪场上学时,他曾在印第安纳州首批使用板条混凝土和编织金属丝地板的建筑中工作过。在获得印第安纳大学(Indiana University)教育学硕士学位后,他在印第安纳州的横财(Windfall)担任篮球教练和小学教师五年。随后,他在爱荷华州滑铁卢的鹰眼社区学院担任了7年的养猪协调员/讲师。他为学生团体提供建议,管理学校养猪场,并指导成功的一般牲畜评判队;在丹佛赢得了国家西部比赛,并在休斯顿、路易斯维尔和国家巴罗展上拥有“高猪个人”的成员。Snedegar先生于1989年来到密歇根BOB体育州立大学,管理养猪教学研究中心和野猪试验站。bob体育登录 He established sales of biomedical pigs to hospitals and other biomedical research groups. He worked to maintain three genetic lines at the farm. He served as a director of the American Yorkshire Club and member of the National Swine Registry Executive Committee. Mr. Snedegar gave leadership to starting the National Junior Swine Association, which is today advised and directed by former students who work for him at the swine farm. With student involvement, He distinguished MSU as the only ‘Truckload’ exhibitor since 1946 to win both the live and carcass contests at the National Barrow Show. He taught laboratory sections of several classes, coached judging teams, mentored student employees, and served as a vital connection to swine-oriented youth. Mr. Snedegar has judged major, regional, and county swine shows in 35 states. He and his wife Beth have four children and enjoy their grandchildren, hunting, raising show and working-dogs, and traveling.