
平衡价格就是收入等成本的价格。 比较平衡价格相似概念,但它计为从被替换的作物中获取的利润的附加成本平衡价向农民说明他何点支付特定作物成本比较平衡价格告诉农民他从新作物(“挑战者”)比老作物(“defender”)挣得更多。为查找比较平衡价格,传统或最有可能种植作物的净收入加为新作物预算的一项费用。要实现平衡,价格必须高到新作物产生收入以支付所有费用加农民种植传统作物所得利润

To calculate the comparative break-even price for a biomass crop relative to corn, one needs to know the expected net revenue per acre for corn grain, the expected cost per acre for the biomass crop and the expected yield per acre for the biomass crop. We must also account for the stover that is produced by the corn system. To do this, we simply subtract the stover yield from the expected biomass yield. In this case, the comparative break-even price analysis incorporates the opportunity cost of both the corn grain and the corn stover when determining at what price a biomass crop will break even with a corn system in net revenue.


仅生量作物与玉米比较,玉米价格为3.50/brungel,括号内低价2.50和高价4.50/bu。 Miscanthus和廉价Rhizomes再次显赫显示,即使玉米以最小生量价格破解,不管玉米粒价如何。唯一收成接近的只有草混合,而玉米粒为22.0/bu。 低廉Rhizomes误差平均价为每吨32美元3.50/bu玉米粒,从33美元到70美元不等,玉米价为2.50美元和4.50美元/bu。 高值RhizomesMiscanthus无论玉米价高均高折价。3.50美元和4.50美元,本地prairie要求生物量最高价合理投资,因为它是专用生物量作物最低产值。

图1对比偶生物质价格 三种玉米粮价
